PADI Course Director Jari

PADI Course Director Jari started diving in Finland almost 20 years ago. He then did most of his courses there, even his IDC in a frozen lake! Diving was first a hobby but then slowly became a passion and his life was filled with the search of new diving destinations.

Jari and Satu started Liquid 2014 and already then Jari had a vision of starting IDC’s in Tofo. In his mind it’s always been the perfect place for it; challenging but rewarding diving, awesome little community, enough things to keep you busy but not too much to distract you on your course.

After years of determination, Jari did his Course Director course in Punta Cana in 2018 and is super excited to teach courses in his own dive centre.


When doing your Instructor course with Jari you’ll truly learn hands on, how it is to teach diving and run a dive centre in a remote place. His special skills also include fixing anything, he’s definitely the guy to do your Equipment specialist with! He’s also passionate about sharks and conservation and can teach several AWARE specialties that you can impress your future students and employers.

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Welcome to Africa!

Where things don’t usually go how you planned but still they work out somehow. It’s maybe not fast nor high tech, but safe and friendly. Mozambique is the land of good people.

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Welcome to your Liquid family!

Like family, sometimes chaotic and loud, mostly well organised and busy, always loving, caring and fun!!