We are offering divers a unique opportunity to do instructor-led online theory sessions. These sessions contribute to your certification as a referral or in some cases can be done completely online! It gives you the chance to do all your theory in the comfort of your own home, so that when you join us, all there is left to do is dive!
When you are doing the theory for referral, you have up to 12 months after completing the last segment of the online teaching to start your diving.
Scheduling is really up to you – we are flexible enough to meet any time constraints you might have due to work or time differences, you can do it over months or days, just ask and we can make a plan!
Project AWARE PADI Open Water Course – Let’s start diving!
Independent Study – 6 hours approximately
Instructor Led Sessions – 6 hours approx.
Broken up into independent and instructor led sessions consisting of theory, videos and an exam. After each section an instructor will go through the knowledge covered with you and help you every step of the way.
PADI Advanced Open Water Course – Hone in on your skills!
Independent Study – 5 hours approx.
Instructor Led Session – 6 hours approx.
The Advanced Open Water course is more about developing on the skills you have already gained and adding new knowledge to your repertoire. Choose 5 Adventure dives to make up your certification – this can be anything from Underwater Digital Photography, Fish Identification, Peak Performance Buoyancy and a whole lot more! Two of the Adventure dives are compulsory – Deep Diver and Underwater Navigation, the rest you can choose yourself. Each adventure dive has a corresponding chapter and knowledge review to complete, which your instructor will go over with you once completed.
PADI Rescue Course
Independent Study – 4 hours approx.
Instructor Led Sessions – 6 hours approx.
The PADI Rescue Course is where you really start to learn about how to cope underwater in difficult situations. Learn about appropriate Rescue techniques for you and your buddy under the water and on the surface – challenging and fun, you’ll come out of this feeling like a much stronger diver! Split into videos and 5 chapters and knowledge reviews, this course can be broken up whichever way you would like.
Master SCUBA Diver Online
Coined as the “Black Belt” of recreational SCUBA, the Master Scuba Diver rating places you in an elite group of respected divers who have earned this rating through both significant experience and scuba training. Less than 2 percent of divers achieve this esteemed accolade, which really goes to show that when you present your card to your local PADI dive centre, they automatically know what to expect from you in the water.
To achieve this rating you need 5 PADI Specialty certifications, 50 logged dives and must be a certified Rescue Diver (or equivalent qualification).
We are offering divers the chance to gain this rating completely online, with 5 Specialty courses that offer complete certification from the comfort of your own home:
● Enriched Air Nitrox
● Equipment Specialist
● Coral Reef Conservation
● Project AWARE Specialist
● Humpback Whale Conservation Specialist
If you have some specialties under your belt already, even better! We can tailor our packages to suit your needs :)
PADI Equipment Specialist
Independent Study – 3 hours approx.
Instructor Led Online Sessions – 4 hours approx.
Ever wondered what’s inside your regulator? What to do when you see small bubbles leaking? Well wonder no more! This specialty can be taught completely online and goes through different types of gear, how they work, some really handy troubleshooting techniques and some great maintenance tips. A great course to do online, as you can physically watch your instructor explain everything piece by piece.
PADI Coral Reef Conservation
Independent Study – 4 hours approx.
Instructor Led Sessions – 4 hours approx.
As a 100% Project AWARE dive resort we strive to spread the knowledge and conservation mind set to anyone we can. That’s why we are offering the Coral Reef Conservation specialty from Project AWARE to anyone who wants to make a difference! This course can be done completely online – teaching all about the biology of Corals and how we can help maintain them for generations to come, gain a certification and get a card too!
PADI Project Aware Specialist
Independent Study – 4 Hours approx.
Instructor Led Sessions – 4 Hours approx.
We work very closely with Project AWARE, making donations every month, and even contributing a percentage of all our courses to their cause. This Specialty goes over the best way we as divers can protect the oceans – good buoyancy, being mindful about how we eat and what we chuck away, ways we can reduce our waste and much more. This Specialty can also be completed entirely online, earning the certification and one step closer to your Master SCUBA Diver level
PADI Humpback Whale Conservation Specialty
Independent Study – 4 hours approx.
Instructor Led Sessions – 4 hours approx.
A Distinctive speciality we are very proud to be teaching – learn more about these beautiful creatures – their biology, their song and their migratory patterns. Why do they fin slap? What do the songs actually mean? This certification can be gained completely online and add to your conservation efforts and repertoire
PADI Enrich Air Nitrox
Independent Study – 6 hours approx.
Instructor Led Sessions – 4 hours approx.
Planning on going on holiday and using Nitrox? Get a head start and do your theory online, saving you time so you can go diving!