Do you know how many species of sea turtles there are? Could you identify them on a dive? Join us for this fun, informative class to learn more about endangered sea turtles and why they're so important to marine ecosystems.

Become aware of the plight of the Sea Turtles in our oceans, become a turtle protector and help to increase awareness and spread the word.  

Six of the seven species of sea turtles are threatened or endangered with many sea turtles facing mortal danger from a variety of threats as they travel the oceans. In Tofo we very often see Turtles on our dives, so diving in Tofo is very rewarding. We have 5 resident species here; Green, Hawksbill, Loggerhead, Olive Ridley and Leatherback 

The course includes a theory session and two dives, where we try to find Sea Turtles.
