PADI prize for Liquid Dive Adventures

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It’s not easy setting up a dive centre in Africa.  Liquid started 4 and a half years ago, ten BCDs, ten regulator, one boat and one instructor.  Jari and Satu, the owners of Liquid Dive Adventures, had paradise dreams of owning a dive centre on the stunning Tofo Beach.  They found the spot, they found the dive centre, now they just needed the divers!

The first month was tough.  One customer and a lot of waiting.  But it’s all in the optimism. They had the skill and the right idea of what they wanted to create - a welcoming, fun and safety oriented dive centre with a personal touch.  A place you come to hang out, diver or not.

Now four years down the line things look very different, but the vibe hasn't changed a bit.  Beachfront location and three zodiac boats, the dive family has grown. And it hasn't gone unnoticed.

PADI regional manager Anders Heegaard made his first trip up to Tofo this week mainly to touch base with the dive centres up here, hold an annual PADI forum and check out the current IDC Liquid is running.  There was a surprise up his sleeve though...An award. More specifically an award for Liquid dive Adventures! Recognising our achievements over the last year, sales and marketing, as well as customer satisfaction - now rated top 5 dive centres out of over 200 in Africa.

Not too shabby at all.
